Ok. So a lot of you may know by now about the Youtube video that a kid named Eric Douglace has made as a 'Declaration of war against Justin Beiber haters.' Now because I do not have a camera to make a vlog post about his video I have started a blog. This blog will be about anything and everything. But for today I shall speak about this kid and how ridiculous his video is. Let me make a list of the points I would like to hit, and then I shall elaborate on those points.
1. The Bill of Rights.
2. Quotation: "Metal fuck heads"
3. I don't HATE Justin Beiber.
4. This is a big planet with a lot more going on.
5. The internet is forever expanding.
6. People are mean
7. I am not jealous
8. It gets better!
9. FBI
10. Prank calls
11. I am offended that you did not say "tough guy/GIRL"
12. The birdie
13. This is NOT a war
14. If you don’t want to be famous don’t post youtube videos
15. Justin doesn't care
16. Sour patch kids
17. Parents
18. True artist
19. I respect ALL music
Darn I only had 19. Oh well. On with the show. My first point was Bill of Rights. Now most people who have been in middle school have learned SOMETHING about the Bill of Rights. If you ask pretty much anyone in America they will tell you that their favorite right is either the right to bare arms OR freedom of speech. Now let me enlighten you on that. I have the freedom of speech so I can go out anywhere (in this country) and say "I hate George Bush." "I love Obama" or anything else. Someone might be mad at me for saying that, but they cannot legally do anything with my words. So for you to think you are above that right, I am sorry little boy. You are mistaken.
Ok I am going to kill point number 2 and 11 together. You said "metal fuck heads" Well I am a little hurt by that because I don’t listen to Justin Beiber OR metal. So are you not going to yell at me too? Well that’s not fair. I don’t like Justin Bieber either so yell at me too! There are TONS of different types of music not just metal and pop. Also at the end of your video you made a reference to tough guys. Well that’s not right either because I am of the female population and I don’t like Justin. Because I am a woman I can't be mentioned in your video? Well females already don’t get paid as much as men I at the very least want to be yelled at equally.
I don’t HATE Justin Bieber. For one simple reason. I. DO. NOT. KNOW. HIM. I have not met this kid a day in my life. I don't really care to. Now I can say "I hate his music. And his dancing. It's silly." But I don't hate him. I just don't like or care for him.
I know that you are only 14 and Justin is the world to you. But please you will sing a different tune if you do some research. Haiti is still rebuilding from their earthquake, there are tsunamis in parts of the world killing thousands of people, AIDS, cancer, our country is currently in a recession and all you and other teenyboppers seem to care about is Justin Biebers hair. Its a little sad and disturbing that the youth of this country does not see the world in all its destruction and glory.
Alright. I like to compare the internet to the universe. I am a big science nerd, so bare with me. Cosmologists say that the universe is forever expanding. Meaning that it is getting bigger and bigger with every passing second at an exponential rate. Our internet is going through the same cycle. I don't know if it has the same fate as the universe, dying with a whimper, but I do know that once something has been posted on the internet it is never forgotten. We post so many pictures of Facebook, and Myspace that we don't realize that those pictures will be forever out there. So just because you want to get rid of all the sites 'geared towards hating Justin' doesn't mean they will be gone forever. They will always be out there somewhere.
This is a mean world. People are always going to have opinions. The way to deal with it is to LET IT GO. Someone is always going to say they hate Justin Bieber just like someone is always going to say they hate All Time Low or Charlie McDonnell, but when someone talks about them I just let them say it because it has no profound effect on me.
I am not jealous of Justin Bieber. I am not entirely sure what I would be jealous of. I am not lesbian so I don't know why I would want little girls chasing me. But I can assure you that I nor most dislikers of Justin Bieber are jealous of him.
In 20 years you are going to look back at the video you posted and regret it. Because your life gets better. Everyone's life gets better. High school and middle school is not your whole life once you are out you will realize THE WORLD. Justin Bieber will be a faint memory and you will have a life. I hope.
I have an odd obsession with the FBI. I think they are fascinating. But I also know that their job does not consist of chasing down teenagers that don't like Justin Bieber. Their jobs consist of stopping terrorists and crimes taken place on our soil. So please do not say you have the FBI on your side when anyone who watches crime television knows that you do not.
In your video you also mentioned prank phone calls. I want to enlighten you on a little feature we have on phones. It is called the off/end button. When someone calls your phone you press the talk button and if you don't want to talk to them you press the end button. Also today a lot of phones have this REALLY cool thing called caller ID. Where you can see the number and name of the person calling. If you don't know the number, don't answer. So prank phone calls really isn't a scary or threatening thing to say.
You say that you are 14 years old. I am almost 19 and I do not use the birdie. I think its rude and extremely disrespectful of you as a child to put your middle finger up to the world. So from an adult to a child. Put the finger down.
This is not a war. You do not have soldiers marching out to die for a cause. The Civil war, Spanish American, Revolutionary, Vietnam, Korean. Those are examples of wars.
If you didn't want to be famous you really should try not posting videos about how you are going to hack peoples information. If you just sit at your house and do homework and watch television like other 14 year olds you would not be famous.
Justin Bieber doesn't care. He could care less that people hate him or that you are defending him because he is rollin' on up to the bank and cashing in those big fat checks he gets. So if you think that Justin cares or is at all hurt about the jokes made about him, he doesn't.
I just wanted to say that after some light reading I found out that at that concert where people were saying that someone threw a bottle at Justin, it actually was a fan throwing his favorite candy. I am a little upset with this because Sour Patch Kids used to be my favorite candy, but now that I know that it is his I am no longer gaga for Sour Patch Kids. =[
Try giving your parents some love and respect by not posting your videos because God knows that they love you more than Justin Bieber does.
You said that Justin works hard to make his fans happy. I just wanted to respond with this little tidbit of information: "A true artist doesn't need to work hard to please their fans. They should work hard to fulfill themselves." And yes you can quote me.
My moms friend a few years ago told me that "You don't have to like all music but you must respect it." So I do respect your taste in music just fine. I hate it, but I respect it. But don't think for that second that that means I respect you.
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