My Bottom

My Bottom
This is my bottom

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

From one wizard to another.

I’ve got two words for you. Harry Potter. I firmly believe there isn’t a child on Earth that has not heard that name. Magical or Muggle. In three days (November 19th) Part 1 of The Deathly Hallows will hit theaters. Personally I see this as a great thing and a horrifying realization. Since I was eight my mom and I have been reading the Harry Potter books, and they since have become a huge part of my own life, and I’m sure other peoples lives as well. When I was ten the first Harry Potter film came out and I remember going into the theatre giggling and jumping around out of excitement. I couldn’t possibly tell you ALL my feelings at that time because there were so many. Excitement, fear of it not being as good as the book, happiness, and nervousness (All combined by the way made me really have to pee. But I held it).

There’s no doubt that the series is fantastic, but they were also among the first books I would read without being forced by a teacher. So naturally they meant a lot to me. The Harry potter franchise has carried on since. Book after book was released to outstanding sales in the UK and US. Movie after movie opened in theatres to astronomical amounts of views. There is no doubt that people around the world are in love with Harry Potter. With good reason. I mean these books open up a whole world of wizards and witches and the adventures that three friends take throughout their adolescence. Throughout their years Harry, Ron, and Hermione battle dark magic and struggle with love and loss. Most of us can’t really relate to the dark magic, but everyone can relate to the love and loss in these books. Which is what makes them so valued and loved around the world.

As November 19th approaches I feel this since of excitement. Deathly Hallows is the last installment of J.K Rowlings Harry Potter books. So going to see part 1 of the last book is insane to say the least. If you are into Harry Potter as much as I am than you understand this feeling. The feelings of near resolution. Of going to see another Harry Potter film. Its always exciting because even though you know what’s going to happen you want to see it come alive. And seeing part 1 of the last book come alive just gets you jumping around like a little kid again in the theatre. At least that’s what it does to me.

Although, there is this slight feelings of impending doom. Okay its not THAT bad. But I look back through the last 13 years from when Sorcerer's Stone was first written, and I see the books evolve, and the movies, and the characters, the whole franchise really, and as the franchise evolved I too grew up with it. My views on Harry Potter have not change what so ever. I’m still an obsessed little girl who squeals every time a preview comes on television. But deep down… I don’t want the movies to come out. Not because I don’t want to see it, but because I don’t want it to end. Its been in my life for so long, and if you look in my room you see Harry Potter paraphernalia EVERYWHERE. Wands, scarves, ties, owls, dolls, a locket, and a quill. Its obvious that I have a problem haha. But I just wonder what will it be like when both parts 1 and 2 come out? Are people just going to slowing forget about it? I don’t think so, but I do think that it wont be talked about nearly as much as it is now. I always think ‘Will I find a new series to fall in love with?’ If I do (which I highly doubt.) Harry Potter will always be my number one favorite book series/movie franchise. Oh fuck it. It will be my number one ANYTHING.

Even though within the next eight months both part 1 and part 2 of Deathly Hallows will both be out. Harry Potter will live on.

P.S- Sorry if your not a big Harry Potter fan or if this was all really cheesy, but I just watched a preview and it all just hit me like a bludger in a Quidditch game so I had to just get it out. Pass on this blog to your friends I would love you forever. On the 21st I will have a review of Deathly Hallows part 1 so if you liked this be sure to read my review. Much love!

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